🍁 Fall Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt Stop #30
Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! If you’ve just discovered the hunt, be sure to start at Stop #1, and collect the clues through all the stops, in order, so you can enter to win one of our top 5 grand prizes!
- The hunt BEGINS on 10/15 at noon MST with Stop #1 at LisaTawnBergren.com.
- Hunt through our loop using Chrome or Firefox as your browser (not Explorer).
- There is NO RUSH to complete the hunt—you have all weekend (until Sunday, 10/18 at midnight MST)! So take your time, reading the unique posts along the way; our hope is that you discover new authors/new books and learn new things about them.
- Submit your entry for the grand prizes by collecting the CLUE on each author’s scavenger hunt post and submitting your answer in the Rafflecopter form at the final stop, back on Lisa’s site. Many authors are offering additional prizes along the way!
☘️ Hello and the “Top of the Morning” to ya (or afternoon/evening, whatever the case may be!). I’m Julie Lessman and as an Irish drama queen from a family of thirteen kids, I LOVE to write Irish family sagas—historical, contemporary, Western, suspense, you name it. My tagline is “Passion with a Purpose” because I am passionate about both God and romance, so when you have time, I invite you to browse my website and read both romantic and spiritual excerpts from my books on the EXCERPTS tab.
And speaking of books, I am giving away my first WW2 novel, A WING AND A PRAYER, which the amazing Sarah Sundin called, “a fun and wild ride!” per the reviews/endorsements below:
And HERE’S a sneak peek at the jacket blurb!
She’s dead-set on giving everything to the war overseas …
Even if it means losing everything in a war of the heart.
Abused & abandoned by an alcoholic father at age five, Gabriella O’Connor has never let a man stand in her way yet. So when a handsome flight officer ruins her plans to be a Women Airforce Service Pilot, she’s bent on joining the war anyway she can, stowing away on a medical ship to the front with stolen press credentials.
Gabe’s WASP flight instructor, Lieutenant Alex Kincaid, pegs her as trouble the moment she steps foot on Avenger Field. As the eldest brother of a boy whose jaw Gabe broke in grade school, he’s more than familiar with her reputation as both a charismatic ringleader and headstrong hooligan who challenged every male and nun from grade school to college. After he expels her for a dangerous stunt, he’s shocked to run into her eight months later in France where he’s an evacuation pilot. Once again their lives intersect in the European Theater, exposing them to a danger as perilous as the war itself: a love neither expects.
You know something else I didn’t expect?
I never expected or dreamed that my favorite movie, Gone With the Wind, was also one of Hitler’s favorites! Well, it was, and you’ll find lots of other fun WW2 facts in A Wing and a Prayer that I’ll bet you didn’t know! Like Hitler watching Gone With the Wind in his personal theater while drinking Coca-Cola (his favorite drink, I might add), and I don’t blame him one bit because movies bring books alive!
That’s why I was over the moon when my artist hubby created a very dramatic trailer/video for A Wing and a Prayer to bring it alive for my readers. I love passion, drama, and angst in my books, and I guarantee this novel (and the video) has all of that and more!
So I hope you check it out at the links given for Julie’s Contest below, because if you do, you can enter to win a $25 Amazon gift card, e-copies of any five of my indie novels, and a character named after you or a loved one in my next book and a signed paperback copy! Plus, three runners-up will receive their choice of any three of my indie e-books.
Here’s the Stop# 30 Basics:
If you’re interested, you can order the e-book for A WING AND A PRAYER on Amazon at a 50% discount Oct. 12-19 only.
Clue to Write Down: reading!
Link to Stop #31, the Next Stop on the Loop on Lisa Bergren’s website.
Julie’s Contest!
But wait! Before you go, I’m offering a $25 Amazon gift card, e-copies of any five of my indie novels, and a character named after you or a loved one in my next book plus a signed paperback copy! Three runners-up will have their choice of any three of my indie e-books.
To enter, just watch the cool trailer/video for A WING AND A PRAYER and answer the question asked in the Rafflecopter box below, and you’re in! Then you can up your chances to win with extra options, so here’s the link to the trailer/video and GOOD LUCK!
Thank you for this incredible chance. Your trailer for Wing and a Prayer gave me goosebumps. Loved it.
TASHIA, you sweetheart, you — THANK YOU!! My very talented artist hubby made that video for me, and I absolutely get goosebumps too! But mine are mostly from the fact that the O'Connor family is like family to me, so if you have never read any of my O'Connor saga beginning with A Passion Most Pure from the Daughters of Boston series, then you send me a private FB message with your email, and I will send you a free e-book of the prequel novel to the O'Connor saga, A Light in the Window, okay? Here's the trailer video my hubby made for that using my daughter for the book cover and video. Hope to hear from you!
After watching the trailer to A Wing and A Prayer…I have to read it!
Hannah, I would absolutely LOVE to have you read it, my friend, and if you do and like it, just let me know, and I will send you the prequel e-novel to the entire O'Connor saga free, okay? Maybe you will win it here — I hope so, so GOOD LUCK and THANK YOU for leaving a comment.
Wow! The trailer for A Wing and a Prayer was incredible! Definitely going straight to the top of my "must-read" list! My husband is active duty Air Force, so this book really takes a special place in my heart and the historical time frame is one of my favorites to read about. Thanks for writing wonderful stories!
Aw, Shelley, thank you SO much for taking the time to view the trailer! And, WOW, God bless you and your husband for your service to our great country! I would love to send you a winning copy of AWAAP, so good luck in the contest. If and when you read it, I hope it resonates with you as much as it did with me in writing it. And I will warn you — Gabe's a real pistol, but God gets her in the end, I promise! 😉
Hugs and more hugs!
Thank you
A Wing and a Prayer should be a movie! Brad Pitt and Charlize Theron. Maybe another actress, but Brad has to be the male lead! He's my boyfriend in my head.
Thanks for this opportunity Julie! Also, thanks for the discount on your books right now! I snatched this opportunity and bought The Promises of Hope, Love's Silver Bullet and A wing and a Prayer.. can't wait to devour these!
Mrs. Brent Magers, you are more than welcome and thank YOU for coming by!
Hugs and GOOD LUCK!
Hiya Julie! I'm not an author but I'd like to be!! I LOVE to read especially World War II books!! Can't wait to read yours. Thanks for your generous free offer!! ;o) Sue
Julie thank you for this great blog and the opportunity to view trailers for your books! I can't wait to read them!
Hey, Sue, good for you, my friend, in wanting to stretch your wings as a writer. That desire wouldn't be there if God hadn't deposited into your spirit. So, if you ever want tips on what I did to become a published, author, just contact me through my "Contact Julie" tab of this website, and I will send them to you, okay?
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment, and GOOD LUCK in the contest!
LOL, Audrey, from your lips to God's ear, my friend! I do love Brad Pitt, too, so I'm okay with him as the secondary hero for sure because he is a ladie's man! Not sure about Charlize, but I would love to see what you think if you read it and see Gabe from the pages. She's a pistol, for sure, and unlike any other heroine I've bet you've ever read before!
Hugs and GOOD LUCK in the contest!
DANA!! God bless you, you sweet thing! Thank you so much for your support. And if you post a review on Amazon for all three books, let me know via private FB message, and I will send you a free e-book, okay?
Hugs and Happy Reading!
Thank you for the giveaway. Love to read.
Thanks, Karen, for coming by AND for watching my videos — MUCH appreciated! And I have to be honest — I can't wait for you to read them, too, and if you do and post a review on Amazon, just let me know via private FB message, and I will send you a free award-winning e-book, okay?
Hugs and GOOD LUCK!
Hey, Tina, thank YOU for coming by to enter and for your comment. I love to read, too, so this scavenger hunt is a reader's dream, isn't it, especially if you win!
Here's hoping you do, my friend, and GOOD LUCK!
I tried pasting in a new window and only got no video :/
I am not finding the trailer!!! The link says video not found.
SABRINA and SARAH, I apologize for the delay in response and I am SO sorry you are having a problem with the links. Try the two links below to see if they work for you, and if they don't for some reason, just go to Google and type in the following:
youtube video a wing and a prayer by Julie Lessman
Here are the two links, one for A Wing and a Prayer and one for Love's Silver Bullet:
GOD BLESS and good luck!
So thankful for your books and for this opportunity in the contest. I’m a first timer in the scavenger hunt and I’m having such fun. I’m looking forward to reading more of your books, On a sing and a prayer has me captivated and I just read some more fabulous entries on your website in the excerpt section.
Love and blessings
ROBYN!! Thank you SO much, my friend, for coming by and for taking time to read some excerpts. And I am thrilled that you are having fun with the scavenger hunt, too! LOTS of great authors here, so you really can't go wrong, especially if you win, eh? 😉
God bless you for leaving a comment, and GOOD LUCK in the contest!
Hugs and more hugs,
I enjoyed watching the book trailers! Thank you for the contest.
Hey, Judy, thank YOU for coming by and watching the videos and GOOD LUCK in the contest!
How fun and glad to end on your website, Julie! Like a sweet dessert after a fine meal! 🙂 It was fun getting to find some new authors along the way too! Thanks for sharing this contest and your blog too! Hugs, always!-Mary Cramer
Thank you for the chance to win! I love those two videos, especially the Silver Bullet Lining. Definitely will be reading the Silver Lining Ranch series. Bookbub and Twitter under @scrpbkr57
MARY!! Soooo great to see you here, my friend! Seeing your sweet comment is like a "sweet dessert after a fine meal" as well, so THANK YOU for coming by! It's so good to see a familiar face!
Praying in a win for you, sweetie!!
Hugs and more hugs,
I'm on the edge of my seat!!
Hey, Amy, thank you for coming by, my friend, and I would love to get you started on the Silver Lining Ranch series with the prequel novel, For Love of Liberty, so if you send me a private FB message with your email, I will be happy to send that e-book to you free, okay?
Hugs and good luck in the contest!
I have to add Wing and a Prayer to my TBR list. My dad was a B17 pilot in WWII so I really enjoy reading about that time period.
Hi JULIE!!! I'm waving to you from SC!! Getting to your page in this Scavenger Hunt was so worth it!! Girl your books just keep getting better and better, if that is even possible. 🙂
Those two videos were amazing. I was raised on watching Cowboy movies as a kid with my dad so the Silver Lining Ranch series is like heading home after a long ride on the range. lol You also know I first fell in love with your books with those O'Connor kids so I had to grab Gabe's book too!
Love you!!!
What a fantastic giveaway! Thank you for the chance! I loved the trailers for your books!
Lisa, I don't blame you! With all the wonderful prizes in this scavenger hunt, I'd be on the edge of my seat, too, if I could enter.
And if you meant over A Wing and a Prayer? Oh, honey, you haven't seen anything yet! 😉
Hugs and GOOD LUCK!
Just wanted to say that I love that your hubby created that very neat trailer for you!!
Thank You for being part of the scavenger hunt
Oh, Sue, how EXCITING that your dad was a pilot!! Did he continue to fly after the war, I hope?I will admit, the research on A Wing and a Prayer was pretty daunting, especially the piloting parts where I had to learn how to fly a plane on paper!! 😉 But it ended up being a wonderful experience for me — learning all the correct terms and timelines for the military, WASPs, medical evac pilots, etc., not to mention hairstyles, clothing, terminology, mores, etc. for the 1940s. But it couldn't have happened at a better time because I wrote it last year, which was the 75th anniversary of V-E Day, so there were lots of celebrations going on, and I had a greater appreciation for them.
Sue, I do a lot of giveaways in addition to this one, so I hope you win a copy of A Wing and a Prayer, my friend, so GOOD LUCK!
TERESA!!! Oh my goodness, it is SOOO great to see you here, my friend!! Do you know that I STILL have both you and your son on my prayer list???? I would love an update on how you are both doing when you get a chance, okay?
Thanks SO much for coming by and leaving a comment. I have to admit, I love the videos, too! Teresa, if you don't win in the contest, send me a private FB message with your email address, and I will send you the first e-book in the Silver Lining Ranch series free, okay? But till then, God bless and GOOD LUCK in the contest!!
Hugs and more hugs,
THANK YOU, Christine, and bless you for coming by! And I have to admit — I love the trailers, too, because they really bring the books alive. Hope you win one, so you can see what I mean.
Hugs and GOOD LUCK!
Hey, Brooke, me too! 😉 Thank you SO much for coming by and here's to a win!
Hugs and more hugs,
Hey, Linda,
No, thank YOU for coming by to be a part. I hope you had fun and found a whole bunch of new authors to love.
God bless and good luck in the contest!