Read my prior blog including excerpt from Henry’s story HERE!


Oct. 1st Release of e-Book & Paperback for What’s the Story, Morning Glory?

YES … it’s finally here on October 1st, so mark your calendars for my new “quirky” devotional, WHAT’S THE STORY, MORNING GLORY?

Wait … a “quirky” devotional?? Is that even spiritual?? Oh, honey, you have no idea!

My new memoir devotional, WHAT’S THE STORY, MORNING GLORY, is what I would call “DIRT PRACTICAL” because it’s real-life trials and tribulations totally transformed by the Word of God.

And you know why? Because application of God’s precepts to our lives turns tears into cheers—be it in marriage, single life, raising children, your occupation, your health, you name it. At least it has for me for over 50 years, and I’ve got the stories to prove it!

And so does my husband, the poor guy! But despite his trials and tribulations in living with me, he says that, “Reading this book is like reading the Bible and enjoying it! Or reading it with illustrations that show you how to apply it.” — Keith Lessman

And you know what? It is! Because it’s GOD’S STORY transforming ours!

Here’s what others are saying about Morning Glory:

—  “The most unique, heartfelt devotional I’ve ever read. What’s the Story, Morning Glory goes far beyond its lovely cover to encompass every season we find ourselves in from one who has made THE ONE her passion throughout life. Richly layered and relatable, with excerpts from her bestselling novels, this is a keeper shelf treasure!” —Laura Frantz, award-winning author of The Indigo Heiress

—  “I’m not a fan of devotionals. Many seem trite, a bit pretentious, and leave me longing for more…but this one is so much more! This is a journey deep into the heart and soul of real life with all its struggles, pains, heartaches, and yearnings. Everything … is proven by the Word of God, and the lessons therein will prove valuable over and over to anyone who reads this. —MaryLu Tyndall, award-winning author of the Legacy of the King’s Pirates Series

—  “I love Julie Lessman and her passion for God. This devotional is something I’ve been wanting from her for a long time. Thank you, Julie!” —Mary Connealy, Award-winning author of A Western Light series

—  “This devotional will make you laugh, think, and drive you into the lap of a loving Father. Julie Lessman’s unique way of tackling real issues and bringing scriptures into the midst makes this an eye-opening read.”  —Anne Perrault,  popular author of The Protect and Serve Series 

—  “If you want to read many deep spiritual truths from the Bible, be entertained by a fabulous novelist, and be encouraged in your Christian walk, read What’s the Story, Morning Glory? Julie Lessman digs deeply into her own life and bares her soul in this book to speak to those who might be struggling, or maybe just stumbling, as they seek to follow Christ. I recommend this nonfiction book wholeheartedly. —Hannah Alexander, acclaimed author of The Hallowed Halls of Medicine series.

SO … MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR OCTOBER 1ST TO ORDER YOUR E-BOOK (At a release-day discount of $3.99) AND THE PAPERBACK (At a release-day discount of $12.50 for this 368-page paperback) at the following link:







Global Day of Prayer for America This Sunday, Sept. 22


Hey, everyone, I just found out about a GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER FOR AMERICA to be held this SUNDAY, OCT. 22, 2024 with over 110 million people from around the world pledged to pray for America.


I plan to join in and watch/pray along with this global prayer meeting, and I’m asking you to consider doing so as well. Whether you do so for just a little while or for the entire time, both our nation and the world need a mighty touch from God, so let’s use one of the most powerful tools He’s given us—PRAYER—to wage war against evil.
When: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Eastern Time: 7–10 AM
Central Time: 6-9 AM
Mountain Time: 5-8 AM
Pacific Time: 4-7 AM

Whether you join for a little while or the entire time, we are going to storm heaven, so here’s the link to watch the prayer service and get more information here:





Blog Tour Giveaways w/Amazon Gift Card!

MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT WEEK–TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SEPT. 24-28 for my blog tour for What’s the Story, Morning Glory?

Why? Because this is not only your chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card, a character named after you or a loved one in my next novel, a signed paperback copy of that novel, a signed paperback copy of What’s the Story Morning Glory (1 winner, gift card open to all locales but print copies only for US), BUT … you will get a chance to find out what this book is all about and read various excerpts about it!

PLUS … for Journal Jot subscribers ONLY … if you mention you subscribe to my Journal Jots blog in your comment(s), I’ll automatically enter you in my own JJ contest for a signed paperback copy of What’s the Story, Morning Glory, so be sure to mention that when you post a comment on any of the blogs below.

The more blogs you leave a comment on, the better your chances to win, so come on by and join in on the fun!

Here’s the tour schedule: 

Blog Name  Blog URL Post Type Post Date
Reading Is My SuperPower https://readingismysuperpower.org Guest Post Sept 24
My Favorite Pastime http://myfavoritepastime.blogspot.com Review Sept 24
Batya’s Bits  https://batyasbits.home.blog/ Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 24
Woven by Words wovenbywords.com Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 24
For Him and My Family http://www.forhimandmyfamily.com Review Sept 25
LiteraryScape Podcast https://www.literaryscape.com/podcast Review Sept 25
Happily Managing a Household of Boys https://familymgrkendra.blogspot.com/2024/09/justread-tours-blog-tour-whats-story.html Review Sept 25
By The Book https://beckiebythebook.com Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 25
Lots of Helpers https://lotsofhelpers.com Review Sept 26
The Blended Blog  http://abis-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com/ Review Sept 26
Britt Reads Fiction https://brittreadsfiction.wordpress.com/ Guest Post Sept 26
Bizwings Blog https://bizwingsblog.blogspot.com Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 26
Miss Pippi Reads misspippireads.blogspot.com Review Sept 27
Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess abbasprayerwarriorprincess.wordpress.com/ Review Sept 27
Only By Grace Reviews https://onlybygracereviews.blogspot.com/ Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 27
Hallie Reads https://pagebypagebookbybook.blogspot.com Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 27
Beauty in the Binding https://moments-of-beauty.blogspot.com/ Guest Post Sept 28
A Baker’s Perspective www.abakersperspective.com Review Sept 28
At Home: where life happens https://3gigglygirlsathome.wordpress.com/ Review Sept 28
Inklings and Notions https://amandanicolle.blogspot.com/ Spotlight + Excerpt Sept 28




Heart of San Francisco Series Book Discussions & Free-Book Giveaway!

Hey, for those of you who have read my Heart of San Francisco Series, you may want to check out the links below for LiteraryScape’s fun discussions on each of the books AND a chance to win a free e-book.


Yes, a free e-book!

HOW? Just listen to my interview in the last link below to find out who my favorite characters are in the series, then send me an email with your answer at CONTACT JULIE, and I’ll automatically send you a free e-copy of my most favorite novella I’ve ever written— GRACE LIKE RAIN — which is Blake “The Rake’s” story, the lovable rogue brother in The Heart of San Francisco Series. Here’s the list, so I hope you check it out!

Love At Any Cost

Dare to Love Again

Surprised by Love

Grace Like Rain

Julie’s Interview


That’s all for now! Hugs and Happy Reading!
