What You’ll Find in This Blog Today:
WIN a $25 Gift Card & More at Mysti’s Book Nook FB Book Club!
Interview Giveaway!
St. Pat’s Giveaway!
SALE on A Wing and a Prayer!
📗 Mysti’s Book Nook FB Book Club!
Hey, want to win a $25 gift card and your choice of a signed paperback copy of any one of my books — Revell or indie — or any three of my indie e-books?
Well, you can, just by joining Mysti’s Book Nook Facebook Book Club, where beginning MONDAY, MARCH 1, we will be discussing my award-winning novel, Isle of Hope. We’ll be talking about it, the book’s theme of forgiveness, romance, or whatever you want to discuss. The book club is free, easy, and most of all, FUN because I will be chatting it up with all the readers in the comments section all month long, answering your questions about Isle of Hope or just listening to your thoughts on the book and the characters.
ALREADY READ IT? If you have already read Isle of Hope, please join in to tell me what you thought or if it helped you in any way because there are prizes to be won if you do. BUT … NO SPOILERS PLEASE if you have already read it since the rest of the book club will be reading it all through March.
HAVEN’T READ IT BUT WANT TO? Then this is the perfect opportunity to read this award-winning novel that was listed on Family Fiction magazine’s list of Top 15 Novels of 2015, because not only will you be eligible to win prizes, but I will send you a free e-book of Isle of Hope so you can join in on the fun.
HOW DO YOU SIGN UP? Just join the book club at MYSTI’S BOOK NOOK, then shoot a private Facebook message to Mysti Jording asking for the free e-copy of Isle of Hope as part of your membership. See? EZ-PEAZY!! Hope to see you there!
Here’s a short VIDEO that will tell you all about it!
📗 Interview Giveaway!
Want to win your choice of any three of my indie e-books? Well, you can! How? Just listen to my brief Youtube radio interview with Lady Tracey of Unity Live Radio, then contact me through my CONTACT JULIE link to let me one of the specific things I talk about in the interview. Here’s the link, and my interview begins at the 1:33:18 mark, so hope to hear from you!
The Lady Tracey Valentine’s Special.
☘️ St. Pat’s Giveaway!
Join me on Wednesday, March 17 for a special St. Pat’s Day interview and giveaway on Author Susan Mathis’ blog, where I will be giving away lots of e-copies of winner’s choice of any one of my indie e-books. So, mark your calendars and hope to see you there!
📕 Sale on A Wing and a Prayer!
WHAT??? You haven’t read Gabe O’Connor’s 5-star WW2 novel, A Wing and a Prayer, yet??? Well, now’s your chance because it will be on sale beginning March 15, so mark your calendars! And with the above reviews — trust me — you won’t want to miss it!
That’s it for now, my friends! Hope to chat with you at Mysti’s Book Club!