Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared …




praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven,




and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests.”


Luke 2:13-14

“On whom His favor rests.”


Whoo-hoo, guys — that’s you and that’s me — people who profess Jesus as Lord and try to live according to His precepts.


And the night Jesus was born? It was definitely the shepherds — the very first human beings to hear the good news proclaimed by a host of angels in the sky.


Ever wonder why the shepherds were the first to hear? I mean, shepherds were on the bottom rung of the social ladder in Israel at that time and according to most, the last people upon whom God’s favor would rest.


And yet it did. For a very good reason my pastor explained last week, so I hope it blesses you as much as it did me. Here we go …


And you, Oh tower of the flock,


the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, to you shall it come,


even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come

to the daughter of Jerusalem.


— Micah 4:8


“Tower of the flock.” You know what that is? Well, I sure didn’t until our pastor explained it. These were the shepherds’ fields outside Bethlehem called Migdal Eder, which translated means “tower of the flock.”

The shepherds in these fields had a very special duty. It was their responsibility to care for the flocks of the temple priests. The same flocks from which spotless and unblemished lambs would come for sacrificial offerings. So as a result, these shepherds were trained to spot the signs for the perfect sacrificial lambs!


And what did these shepherds do with the lambs when they selected them? According to the Mishnah (the oral Torah), these lambs were immediately wrapped in “swaddling cloths” to protect them from injury. You see, apparently baby lambs tend to thrash about and harm themselves during the birthing process, so the swaddling cloths protected them, making sure the lambs were born without blemish.

Would you like to guess where these lambs were birthed? In caves outside of Bethelem called “birthing caves.” Sound familiar?



But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid.

I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;


He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you:

You will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes

and lying in a manger.”


—Luke 2:12



A sign. One they recognized immediately because remember, they were trained to spot the signs for the perfect sacrificial lamb! And they found it. A baby lying in a manger, the perfect sacrificial lamb, without spot or wrinkle.



“Behold the Lamb of God

who takes away the sins of the world.”  — John 1:29



My prayer for us this holy season is that each of us will truly “behold” — see, contemplate, embrace, and rejoice in — the Lamb of God, God’s eternal sign of His love for your and me: Jesus Christ.



For God so loved

the world, He gave his only

begotten Son, that whosoever

believeth in him should not perish,




but have everlasting life. — John 3:16



My love and thanks to each of you who have been such a blessing in my life. I wish you and yours a happy, healthy, and truly holy holiday season!







🎄 My Last Facebook Live:

A Christmas Story!


FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22, I did my last Facebook Live of the year, so here’s the video if you would like to check it out:



If you have posted a review for For Love of Liberty, contact me immediately because I have a thank-you prize for you, okay?

And if you haven’t read my latest novel, For Love of Liberty yet, why not? Liberty is a 5-star novel on Amazon for only $3.99, so buy a Christmas gift for yourself I promise you won’t regret it. 🙂



Love you guys and MERRY CHRISTMAS!! ❤️







