“Who touched me?” Jesus asked.

Peter said, “Master, people are crowding and pressing against you.”

But Jesus said, “Someone touched me;

I know that power has gone out from me.”

— Luke 8:45-48

YIKES … with a week to go before my daughter’s wedding, a new book out, and receiving edits from my editor on book 2 in The Heart of San Francisco series, Dare to Love Again—I don’t have to tell anybody how crazy busy it’s been. And, yes, this CDQ has been a littttttle bit on the wired side to say the least, so as usual, I’ve taken solace from the Scriptures.

This week I was reading the story about the woman who had been bleeding for twelve years, you know the gal who spent all her time and money going to doctors, to no avail? Well, out of total desperation, she touches Jesus’ robe in the midst of a crowd, hoping to be healed. Now although I have read this story innumerable times in my life, something happened this time that often happens to each of us when reading the Word of God—He spoke to my heart.

I don’t know about you, but I can almost see Peter glancing at Jesus over his shoulder with that “Duh” look and a bit of a crimp in his brow as if he might think Jesus just a tad over the edge to ask such a question. I mean, come on, Jesus—the crowd around us is obviously pushing and jostling for attention, right?

But Jesus said, “Someone touched me;

 I know that power has gone out from me.”

So there I was, sitting on the sofa in my hearth room with my feet up and hazelnut coffee by my side while I gaped at the open Bible in my lap, seeing something I had never seen before.

As members of the Body of Christ we all follow Jesus, of course, pressing in, hoping to get closer to this Savior Who has taken each of us from the dark into His glorious light. And yet, in this story, in the midst of a crowd of followers, Jesus takes what might have been a side note in just another chapter of the Bible and makes it intimate and personal between Him and this woman, almost as if the crowd fades away, allowing this suffering soul to come face to face with the God of the Universe.

She was desperate, tired of being sick, and at the end of her rope. She’d spent all her money going from doctor to doctor, but no one could help her but the Great Physician. She was bleeding to death, but no one could staunch the flow except Him. So she touched Him. Really, really touched Him. Pressing in like everyone else, her fingers grazing his robe like the crowd grazed His body. And yet, different.  

Oh, so very, very different.

You see, she tapped in to the Source, her faith gripping on to His hope like her fingers gripped onto His robe. Trembling in the physical, yes, but oh so rock-steady in her faith that this Man not only could heal her, He would heal her and set her free to be the woman He’s called her to be.

Well, guess what? I am that woman … and so are you. There are areas of our lives where we are bleeding, desperate, and so very hungry for what Jesus has to offer. But in this world of busy-busy-busy, we follow Him, oh yes, and we even press in with daily devotionals, Bible reading, and prayer. But do we really touch Him like this woman touched Him—resolute, faith focused and hope fixed—on Him and only Him. Well, I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t.

But that’s about to change.

May 1st I am going on a month-long sabbatical—a spiritual sabbatical, if you will, where like the woman with the hemmorhage, I intend to not only press in, but to touch Jesus in a way that is sometimes difficult amidst the hurry and scurry of life. I am clearing my slate—fasting Amazon, e-mails and even Facebook to a large degree—to focus on God and His plan for my writing. Much of the time I devoted to those things will now be devoted to Him, and like the woman with the issue of blood, I hope to hear those wonderful words: 

 “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.”

Go in peace. Oh, man, doesn’t that sound nice? And, oh baby, I certainly intend to, and if that sounds good to you too, why don’t you join me — fasting (be it food, gossip, what have you) and praying for your own special intentions through the month of May. Each of us can then tap in to the amazing power of the Son of God in our lives. And the next time He asks, “Who touched me?” we can say with complete and utter confidence …

It was me, Lord.


NOTE: But now, since this contest is already in place, I need to advise those of you entered that you do have the opportunity to accrue FIVE ADDITIONAL POINTS by voting for Love at Any Cost in The Book Club Network poll on the right-hand side of the website. Once you vote, just click on the “vote for Julie” item in the Rafflecopter box further down in this post and GOOD LUCK!! Here’s the link:


Book promotion is a tough job, so that’s why I posted this contest asking for your help in promoting Love at Any Cost.  The way I see it, this needs to be a win-win situation for both of us, so there are several ways you can help me out, and each will earn you a point in the contest below where prizes will be awarded to the reader friend with the most points as follows:

First-Place Winner (most points accrued):

—Kindle ($69.00 value)

—A character named after you in my next book, Dare to Love Again.

—Choice of any of my books including Love at Any Cost or Dare to Love Again

—Choice of five top CBA books from my library (all new and unused)

SECOND-PLACE WINNER (2nd most points accrued):

—Choice of any of my books including Love at Any Cost or Dare to Love Again

—Choice of two top CBA books from my library (all new and unused)

THIRD-PLACE WINNER (random drawing of points accrued where even one point has the chance to win)

—Choice of any of my books including Love at Any Cost or Dare to Love Again

—Choice of one top CBA books from my library (all new and unused)



It’s simple! Pick which of the following things you want to do in the Rafflecopter box below, and Rafflecopter will tally it for you and for me!!a Rafflecopter giveaway CONTEST ENDS 4/30 AND WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON JOURNAL JOTS ON FRIDAY, 5/3, SO GOOD LUCK!!

Hugs and Happy Weekend!!



MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO WIN!!! (Mark your calendars for these giveaways!):

April 24-28, 2013:

READ AN EXCERPT FROM LOVE AT ANY COST and a REVIEW, PLUS win your choice of my books including Love at Any Cost OR a printed copy of my ebook A Light in the Window on CAROLE JARVIS’ BLOG at:



April 19-30, 2013:




April 19-30, 2013: 

Win your choice of my books at an interview on NORA ST. LAURENT’S BLOG at:



May 6-20, 2013:

Win your choice of my books at an interview on JUANITA NOBLE’S BLOG at:
