Easter is very important to me, it’s a second chance. Reba McEntire
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/easter-quotes
Easter is very important to me, it’s a second chance. Reba McEntire
Read more at https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/easter-quotes

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,

that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. —John 3:16

“Easter is very important to me, it’s a second chance.” —Reba McEntire


A Blessed Easter to One and All!

Ahhhh … thank God for second chances because I use a number of them every single day.

I know this may surprise some people, but to me, Easter is my favorite day of the year. Yes, Christmas is nice with all the magic of Christ’s birth, Christmas carols and cookies, the scent of pine and cinnamon, family and snow. But there is just something SO holy and SO special about Easter, you know? I guess because it helps me to remember all that Christ did for me—a sinner who never did and does not now—deserve either His grace or His shed Blood.

And yet I have both—a miracle that never fails to bring tears to my eyes. Why? Because I flat-out don’t deserve it. Yes, I’m a nice person who loves to encourage and love on people and seeks after God with all of my heart, but I am also flesh. And in my mind that flesh—be it road anger at someone driving too slow or jealousy over someone else’s contest win or failings that have hurt my heart AND His far too long—negates any goodness I may think I have. “For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God,” Romans 3:23.

Yes, “fallen short” … and continue to do so every day of my life.

Which is EXACTLY why Easter is so important to me. To remember that despite a mountain of sins that seem to grow taller everyday, I am forgiven, washed clean by the Blood of Christ, prostrate and sobbing in the rain at the foot of the cross. No matter the wounds I inflicted on Christ’s broken body this very week alone, Easter looms—a beacon of hope that God loves me no matter what I do, say or am because the truth is I am His and with the mere utterance of my sorrow from a truly repentant heart, I am free. Free!! From myself and the guilt that constrains, free to be all He’s called me to be—a child of the King, cloaked in the holy warmth of God’s forgiveness, mercy and love. OH, what a joyous day!!

And so I remember. Remember not just what He did for me, but what He continues to do in the life of this staunch Christian who just can’t seem to get it right. I remember—with painful gratitude—that because He died, I live.

May each and every one of us take the time to remember this Easter and be found anew, resting in the arms of a gracious Savior and a truly glorious God.


A Wing & A Prayer Reading/Giveaway!

On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, tune into video readings from 12 of your favorite authors, to hear excerpts from their latest books and chances to win the books or gift cards!

Just show up on my Facebook Author Page on the 15th for my reading from A Wing and a Prayer, and you will eligible to win my book PLUS prizes from some of the following authors on their readings, which I will give you the links to on my reading post:

Hannah Alexander, Tamera Alexander, Colleen Coble, Rachel Hauck, Denise Hunter, Robin Lee Hatcher, Julie Lessman, Cara Putman, Deborah Raney, Katherine Reay,
Becky Wade, & Beth Vogt


A Wing & A Prayer Video!

My sweet hubby — uh, since he has nothing else to do but fish — is making a video for me for A Wing & a Prayer, so it’s coming soon, I promise! I am sooooo excited and soooooo grateful to this wonderfully talented man I was blessed enough to marry!

A Wing & A Prayer Promo with Sarah Sundin!

Squeeeeeeeeeee!!! If you are even remotely a WWII buff, then Sarah Sundin needs no introduction as she is the creme de la creme of WWI authors!

So I am beyond blessed to be doing a promotion with her starting on May 8th — the 75th Anniversary of V-E Day, Victory in Europe! All you have to do is mark your calendars to come by this blog and Sarah’s starting on May 8th, and you can win signed copies of both of our books (three chances to do so!), a $50 gift card, and lots of other prices.

PLUS … you’ll get a sneak peek at both Sarah’s books and mine, SO PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR!

A Wing & A Prayer Paperback Coming Soon!

So many of you have written me to ask if and when a paperback will be released for A Wing and a Prayer, and it’s my pleasure to tell you — VERY SOON!!

I expect the final proof from Amazon early this week, and then it’s just a matter of pressing a button to have the paperback go live for order, so I am thinking by end of this week, hopefully between 4/15 and 4/18.

BUT … either way, I will put a link here when it happens, so do check back, okay?

 Zoom Quarantine Q&As & Giveaways!

Want to see what some of your favorite authors (Tamera Alexander, Colleen Coble, Rachel Hauck, Denise Hunter, Robin Lee Hatcher, Julie Lessman, Cara Putman, Deborah Raney, Katherine Reay, Becky Wade, & Beth Vogt) are doing during the quarantine? Well, now you can via four different Zoom Q&As … PLUS win a book to boot!

Just leave a comment on each of the following five Zoom Q&As from my FB author page April 10-18, and Rafflecopter will select one person from each Q&A to receive a free copy of your choice of A Wing and a Prayer or Love’s Silver Bullet (release May 31st). So, here are the links and GOOD LUCK!




SHELTER-IN-PLACE Q&A #4A (to be posted on Friday, 4-17)

 SHELTER-IN-PLACE Q&A #4B (to be posted on Saturday, 4-18)

 Isle of Hope Free Download May 1-3!

During a time like this quarantine, everyone can use a little “hope,” so I’m doing my part with a free download of my award-winning novel, Isle of Hope: Unfailing Love, which is a true story of hope for me, since it’s loosely based on how God healed my dysfunctional relationship with my estranged father.

I am blessed to say that Isle of Hope was listed on Family Fiction magazine’s “TOP 15 NOVELS OF 2015” and currently has a 4.7 rating out of 5 on Amazon with 284 reviews, so it’s not a dog, I promise.

So, mark your calendars for my “WEEKEND OF HOPE GIVEAWAY,” MAY 1-3, 2020, and tell everybody you know who hasn’t read it to do the same, okay? THANK YOU!


HELP — Reviews Requested, PLEASE!!

Hey, guys, I need your help! If you read and enjoyed either A Wing and a Prayer OR Isle of Hope and did NOT post a review on Amazon, would you PLEASE consider doing so?

It just takes a few seconds to post a brief (1- or 2-line) review on Amazon, and it can even be the same generic review posted for each book. Then please let me know if you do because I would LOVE to personally thank you, okay?

Most people don’t realize how critical good reviews are to authors–especially indie authors like me–but so many potential readers base their book-buying decisions on the number of good reviews posted, so that’s the best way to bless an author you like (and keep them in the business of writing books).



So, I encourage you to post reviews for EVERY author you like because TRULY, that’s the best way so thank them for all of their hard work on your behalf. PLUS … it helps ensure they will continue to write books you love.

Hugs and Happy Reading & Reviewing!


God Bless & Keep You and Yours Safe & Well!