“My unfailing love is your fuel — the best source of energy for you.”

Jesus Today, by Sarah Young

Boy, I’ll say!!

God’s love (and his strength) never fails — something I’ve discovered all over again, both in the writing phase of my latest novel, Isle of Hope, and especially in the publishing/promotion phase, two things of which I’m not exactly fond. In fact, it was partially because of the “promotion” aspect of my books that I felt compelled to take an 8-month sabbatical last year, desperate to get away from something that most authors despise. A necessary evil, if you will, so thank you for bearing with me throughout the last month and this month as I promote Isle of Hope.

I’ll tell you what — it’s been a roller-coaster ride as always when a new book releases! And even more so with Isle of Hope since the entire project is on my shoulders (and God’s!) rather than on a publisher’s like most of my other books. So to say I’m stunned and a little bit giddy over the reception Isle of Hope has received is an understatement.

I am utterly blown away by both the reviews and the rankings on Amazon! IOH was #1 on Amazon’s “Hot New Releases” in Women’s Religious Fiction and #1 on Amazon’s Best Sellers in Women’s Religious Fiction for almost a week before I got bumped to vacillate between # 1 and #3. Of course I lay the blame for that at the feet of a dear author friend, Beth Vogt, whose book Crazy Little Thing Called Love muscled me out. The brat! 😉 Seriously, I not only endorsed this book, but strongly recommend it because it’s on sale for only $1.99 for a limited time, so take advantage! It’s an excellent book, so I hope you check it out.

AND … i hope you check Isle of Hope out, too, because not only is this a book that has been therapeutic for me due to the autobiographical aspect, but I also believe it’s a message the Christian community needs to hear just like I did years ago when I hated my father and wished him dead. That’s how my heroine felt at one time about her father, too, but through the unfailing love of Jesus Christ — the only real “Isle of Hope” there is for each of us — hope is restored to two families that had been turned assunder.

But, rather than talk about it myself, I’d much prefer leaving it to the 23 five-star and 1 four-star reviews that have been posted on Amazon in the last six days, so here’s a few lines from those and blogger/reviewers as well as a kissing scene to whet your appetite. 🙂

And PLEASE don’t miss the WEEKEND CONTEST I have going on at the end of this blog today because you could STILL win having a character named after you in both the paperback and revised ebook versions of Isle of Hope that will release in the next couple of weeks plus a copy, okay? Here’s what people are saying about IOH:

“I don’t think anyone can walk away after reading this book without being changed.” — Kav, Best Reads Blog

” I can count on one hand, in fact, the number of books that I have not merely enjoyed but ingested and absorbed into my soul.  Isle of Hope will now forever (and ever, amen) be included in this list.” — Carrie, Reading is My SuperPower Blog

“Be prepared to question your beliefs about forgiveness.” — Beth K. Vogt, award-winning author of Crazy Little Thing Called Love.

— “Extraordinary! Isle of Hope is a riveting story of humility, selfless love, and extraordinary forgiveness! ‘Wow!’ and ‘Oh, my!’ …..my thoughts as I read the pages of Isle of Hope, a novel packed with emotion! Sherida Stewart’s Blog

“There are kisses and sparks and HEAT aplenty … make sure you have a fan handy when you sit down to read Isle of Hope – and perhaps additional oxygen? A fainting couch would not be amiss. — Carrie, Reading is My SuperPower Blog

Isle of Hope, Julie’s first Christian Contemporary Fiction, is her best work yet.” — Bonnie Roof, Overcoming With God Blog

“The moment when you read a line that is so beautiful you just close the book and stare at the wall for a minute.” – Anonymous. “That is how I feel about this book. I stopped many times to tag, note, think and yes, stared at the wall for a minute or two.” — Annie, Just Commonly Blog

“This is Julie Lessman at her best! — Julie, My Favorite Pastime Blog

Isle of Hope is a life lesson in forgiveness …” — Reviewer

“Isle of Hope will tear out your heart and put it back together, a little sore for the process but sweetly soothed all the same.  It’s emotional and raw and convicting … but healing. Isle of Hope may in fact be not only Julie’s best novel so far but also her most important. — Carrie, Reading is My SuperPower Blog

ULIE’S WEEKEND CONTEST!!  GET A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN JULIE LESSMAN’S PAPERBACK AND REVISED EBOOK COPY OF ISLE OF HOPE AND A COPY! Yes, it’s true — since Julie is doing final edits on both versions of Isle of Hope now, she can still add you in if you win! 

So … how do you enter?  Well, Julie was SO blown away by the review posted on the Reading Is My SuperPower blog and all the other blogs in the Singing Librarian Blog Tour, she decided to celebrate with this weekend contest, so take advantage!! Just leave a comment on the Reading is My SuperPower blog, and  you’re in the random drawing! And don’t miss the interview there where Julie discusses her idea of the “perfect kiss”! Here’s the link:

PLUS … you can receive extra entry points for commenting on any of the other FABULOUS reviews/interviews in the Singing Librarian Books blog tour listed below, which ALSO has a giveaway in addition to Julie’s weekend giveaway. NOTE: Anyone who has already commented is automatically entered in this random-draw contest with one point. 
CONTEST ENDS SUNDAY, 11/8 AT MIDNIGHT, and winner will be announced on Julie’s FB pages. Here are the links and GOOD LUCK!!



– See more at: http://seekerville.blogspot.com/#sthash.nUDi8oDF.dpuf

ULIE’S WEEKEND CONTEST!!  GET A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN JULIE LESSMAN’S PAPERBACK AND REVISED EBOOK COPY OF ISLE OF HOPE AND A COPY! Yes, it’s true — since Julie is doing final edits on both versions of Isle of Hope now, she can still add you in if you win! 

So … how do you enter?  Well, Julie was SO blown away by the review posted on the Reading Is My SuperPower blog and all the other blogs in the Singing Librarian Blog Tour, she decided to celebrate with this weekend contest, so take advantage!! Just leave a comment on the Reading is My SuperPower blog, and  you’re in the random drawing! And don’t miss the interview there where Julie discusses her idea of the “perfect kiss”! Here’s the link:

PLUS … you can receive extra entry points for commenting on any of the other FABULOUS reviews/interviews in the Singing Librarian Books blog tour listed below, which ALSO has a giveaway in addition to Julie’s weekend giveaway. NOTE: Anyone who has already commented is automatically entered in this random-draw contest with one point. 
CONTEST ENDS SUNDAY, 11/8 AT MIDNIGHT, and winner will be announced on Julie’s FB pages. Here are the links and GOOD LUCK!!



– See more at: http://seekerville.blogspot.com/#sthash.nUDi8oDF.dpuf

Julie’s Weekend Contest (Ends at Midnight on Sunday, 11/8):

GET A CHARACTER NAMED AFTER YOU IN MY PAPERBACK AND REVISED EBOOK COPY OF ISLE OF HOPE AND WIN A COPY! Yes, it’s true — since I’m in the process of doing final edits on both versions of Isle of Hope right now, I can still add you in if you win! (Ah, the advantages of indie publishing!!)

So … how do you enter?  Well, I was SO blown away by the review posted on the Reading Is My SuperPower blog and all the other blogs in the Singing Librarian Blog Tour, I decided to celebrate with this weekend contest, so go for it! Just leave a comment on the Reading is My SuperPower blog, and  you’re in the random drawing! And don’t miss the interview there where I discuss the “perfect kiss”! Here’s the link: 


PLUS … you can receive extra entry points for commenting on any of the other FABULOUS reviews/interviews in the Singing Librarian Books blog tour listed below, which ALSO has a giveaway in addition to Julie’s weekend giveaway. NOTE: Anyone who has already commented is automatically entered in this random-draw contest with one point. The winner will be announced here and on my FB pages, so check out the links and GOOD LUCK!!


Don’t Miss These Other Giveaways This Weekend!


 OR … on my Seeker blog this Wed., 11/11:


