It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas …
— Song written by Meredith Wilson
I know, I know, it’s a little early to be talking Christmas, although not by much the way retailers hit the ground running the day after Halloween. BUT … you’ll forgive me if I am just a wee bit antsy for the eggnog and snow because FINALLY …
A Light in the Window
is in
Yes, it’s true, and WOW, is it GORGEOUS!!! And what makes it even better, is that my incredibly talented hubby is almost finished with THE BEST video you have ever seen, I promise!! Of course, I may be a wee bit prejudice … 😉 But I’ve already shown it to one very special friend (and you know who you are!!), who actually teared up, so I take that as a good sign. Trust me, we scoured iStock for a model for both Patrick O’Connor and Sam O’Rourke, and WOW … did we hit the jackpot, especially given there wasn’t a lot from which to choose. So check back here in about two to three weeks, and I will have the video up and running for you, and I do believe it’s worth the wait.
I hope. 😐
Anyway, for anybody out there that would like to buy a paperback copy of A Light in the Window for Christmas as a gift, you let me know, and I will send you a signed bookplate to paste inside for whomever you plan to give it to, okay? Here’s the link to order your copy if you are so inclined. And please note that I wanted to offer it at a much lower price, but since I published this myself through CreateSpace (Amazon’s publishing company), they give you a set price that you can’t go under, which is why the price is higher than I hoped. But it’s actually cheaper than the cost of my other Revell books if you bought them in a bookstore, so YAY!! And, of course, the ebook is still half price at $3.99. So here’s the link — I would LOVE it if you would share it on your FB and Twitter pages!
AND, THEN … drum roll, please … for those of you who have been waiting for the less expensive e-version of ROMANCE-ology 101, it’s finally here as well!! The paperback is $6.43, but the e-book is only $2.99, so I hope some of you will check it out! Here’s the link:
ROMANCE-ology 101:Writing Romantic Tension for the
I hate to do this two weeks in a row, but I am going to scoot out early to get some writing done on my OVERDUE book rather than spend it writing a blog. BUT … I’ll be back to writing blogs soon, I hope! Prayers appreciated for the completion of book 3 in the Heart of San Francisco series, Surprised by Love.