“May all your troubles last

as long as your New Year’s resolutions!”

— Joey Adams

Goodness—where did this year go?? Only three more days of 2012, and then 2013 moves in. What will it bring?? Well, one thing I know for sure it will bring is a January 15 deadline for book 2 in The Heart of San Francisco Series, working title Dare to Love. I have 361 pages written and about 4-1/2 scenes yet to write, so say one for me, okay?

I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as mine. Being a grandma (JuJu) is more fun than I ever dreamed possible, and what a joy little Rory was opening presents, let me tell you. And, true to form, her favorite toys were bows (it’s in her blood as her CDQ grandma is a bow queen) and boxes. And, oh, I just have to share some of my favorite pix this Christmas, which my son calls “The Santa Claus Process” when he took Rory to see Mr. Ho-Ho-Ho. As you can see from the following three pix, the visit started out shaky, but ended up with a smile when Mr. Claus gave Rory a candy cane. Sigh … other than a realllly great hero or kiss, nothing melts my heart quite like the beautiful smile of a baby or child … especially a grandchild!!


Okay, believe it or not, I’m gonna make this Jot short and sweet (yeah, yeah, I know … you don’t believe it either), but it’s true as I need to get crackin’ on the book. My hubby is dragging me (yes, unfortunately, “drag” is the correct word when I have my nose to the deadline) out of the house every day to go to a rush-hour movie and dinner. We saw Les Mis yesterday (LOVED the spiritual aspect of that movie—WOW!!) and tonight we see Parental Guidance, which I hear is really cute. Keith wanted to see Lincoln, but I said, “Come on, babe—do you really want to go straight from a revolution to an assassination?? I mean, can’t we break it up with a few laughs?” So bizzzzzy day ahead …

MY FINAL GIVEAWAY OF 2012 takes place on New Year’s Eve, Monday, December 31st on Seekerville when I will be hosting the 4:00-5:00 PM EST slot for our Seekerville “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve Party. There will be AWESOME GIVEAWAYS — ONE PRIZE AN HOUR (FREE PAPERBACK BOOKS, E-BOOKS, CRITIQUES, PHONE CHATS, GIFT CARDS AND SURPRISE PACKAGES) plus RECIPES, so do not miss it!!! The party begins Monday, December 31, 12:01 EST at midnight and continues until  the clock strikes 12:01 CST on Tuesday, January 1st  2013 PST, so come say “hey” for a chance to win your choice of any of my books plus LOTS of other prizes! Here’s the link and hope to see you there!!




If you have read A Heart Revealed, A Love Surrendered or A Light in the Window and liked them, would you be kind enough to consider nominating one of them in the 2013 Inspy Award Contest? The INSPYs were created to select and showcase books with the highest literary standards that grapple with the Christian faith and were designed to help readers in their search for the preeminent faith-inspired literature of today. If you think my books fit this description, then click on the link below and nominate one of my books OR that of any other favorite author. Please keep in mind that both contest wins and good reviews are two of the best ways you can keep the authors you love in print, especially in an increasingly difficult economy where publishers are cutting their author ranks. Your support is GREATLY appreciated!!



I wish you and yours a WONDERFUL new year overflowing with God’s blessings … and may the year ahead bring each of us closer to Him!

